
What are ParaDex tokenomics?

$PRAD has initial token supply 50,500,000,

5,000,000 $PRAD will be reserved for "FAIR LAUNCH" on Pancakeswap .

30,000,000 $PRAD will be reserved for Liquidity yield-farming (PRAD, PRAD-BNB LP) purposes.

15,000,000 $PRAD will be reserved for the Team.

500,000 $PRAD will be reserved for the Airdrop/Promotions.

Initially only the 5,000,000 $PRAD token "FAIR LAUNCH" allocation will be circulate in the market.

The Team Fund will NOT be initially circulate and will be locked upto 60 months which in turn used to support the protocol and community via stabilization asset collateralization, market making assets, protocol grants.

Token Vesting Periods

Team - 6 months lock then vested over 60 months.

Staking and Yield-Farming - TBD

Airdrop/promotion - 20% unlock TGE then vested over 12 months.

Contract address: 0xe19eb14eaaeae6744728011db7626d0aebb05573

Last updated

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